- Price -
- Beds
- Baths
- #
- ID
- Type
- Street
- Location
- Zipcode
- Price
- Details
- 1
- 30464993
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Des Moines, IA
- 50316
- 4 / 3
- $149,000
- 2
- 29844705
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Des Moines, IA
- 50316
- 3 / 1
- $139,900
- 3
- 30648022
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Des Moines, IA
- 50317
- 3 / 1
- $223,000
- 4
- 30648612
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Des Moines, IA
- 50315
- 3 / 2
- $170,400
- 5
- 30542165
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Des Moines, IA
- 50310
- 3 / 1.5
- $232,500
- 6
- 30493065
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Des Moines, IA
- 50310
- 2 / 1
- $132,000
To view a sample listing, please click here
- 7
- 30591274
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Des Moines, IA
- 50310
- 3 / 1
- $231,200
- 8
- 29402544
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Des Moines, IA
- 50317
- 3 / 2
- $292,800
- 9
- 29502961
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Des Moines, IA
- 50315
- 3 / 2
- $174,500
- 10
- 30085607
- Foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Des Moines, IA
- 50317
- 4 / 2
- $209,900
- 11
- 29472845
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Des Moines, IA
- 50313
- 3 / 1
- $152,800
- 12
- 30235293
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Des Moines, IA
- 50316
- 3 / 2
- $184,200
- 13
- 30266076
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Des Moines, IA
- 50316
- 2 / 1
- $110,600
- 14
- 30224526
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Des Moines, IA
- 50320
- 3 / 4
- $273,600
- 15
- 30235228
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Des Moines, IA
- 50315
- 2 / 1
- $150,000
- 16
- 30235257
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Des Moines, IA
- 50315
- 3 / 1.5
- $233,200
- 17
- 30285582
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Des Moines, IA
- 50313
- 2 / 1
- $119,800
- 18
- 30224521
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Des Moines, IA
- 50313
- 3 / 2
- $160,000
- 19
- 30271033
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Des Moines, IA
- 50310
- 3 / 1
- $185,700
- 20
- 30380080
- Foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Des Moines, IA
- 50317
- 3 / 1
- $225,000
- 21
- 30266062
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Des Moines, IA
- 50317
- 2 / 1
- $118,300
- 22
- 30235217
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Des Moines, IA
- 50321
- 2 / 2
- $213,900
- 23
- 30235155
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Des Moines, IA
- 50310
- 1 / 1
- $184,100
- 24
- 30235244
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Des Moines, IA
- 50315
- 3 / 2
- $224,900
- 25
- 30465891
- Foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Des Moines, IA
- 50317
- 2 / 1
- $193,000
We would like to notify you that the availability of properties listed on our site is not always guaranteed, as the quantity of foreclosure properties in our database fluctuates due to varying market conditions. We, nevertheless, encourage you to peruse other property categories available on our website, which include pre-foreclosures. These options provide excellent avenues for real estate investment.
We appreciate your understanding and welcome you to reach out to us for any additional inquiries or concerns.
We would like to notify you that the availability of properties listed on our site is not always guaranteed, as the quantity of foreclosure properties in our database fluctuates due to varying market conditions. We, nevertheless, encourage you to peruse other property categories available on our website, which include pre-foreclosures. These options provide excellent avenues for real estate investment.
We appreciate your understanding and welcome you to reach out to us for any additional inquiries or concerns.
Let’s Move To Des Moines, Iowa
Des Moines, Iowa is a wonderful city to visit, but it's an even better city to live in. It's the biggest city in all of Iowa and it boasts the most popular town. The name means the River of the Monks. Because of the nature and the good school systems, Des Moines, Iowa is a wonderful place to raise a family, or a wonderful place to move to if you like to relax in nature after a long day. Des Moines, Iowa has roughly 759,000 foreclosures yearly. It costs about $90,000 to live there a year, and it has homes as cheap as $50 a square foot.